[Exclusive] Interview With Portland's Own Sought After Producer Aaron Peil Ceo Of A-Laced Productionz

JamMar Moguls is pleased to present Aaron Peil as one of our Rising Star Producer
on the JamMar Moguls team. Aaron’s passion for music and creating, his drive and
determination to hon and perfect his craft, and his ability to listen, grow, and evolve,
has really impressed the executive team at JamMar Moguls. Aaron is open to new
sounds and new ideas and can translate that into great music.

Aaron grew up in Portland, Oregon listening to west coast music, where his sense of
music styles was influenced by Mac, Dre, Tupac, Brotha Lynch, E-40, and many others.
When an auto accident and DUI, almost cost him his life, Aaron started a journey of
self-reflection and decided to move forward with his passion for music and his work
as a music producer. When asked what he would be doing if he wasn’t a producer?
Aaron’s reply was, “Probably going crazy, music is more than just music, it’s
therapy to me. I can release all my emotions through the keys.” His dream
is to produce Grammy hits and his motto is “never stop learning
and never stop grinding.”

1) What made you want to be a producer?

I used to have rap battles in the back room at my house
when I was a youngster about the age of 16 or 17. I think
we had the first FL studios. When I started making beats
they were trash but then we started taking instrumentals
and battling off them just for fun.

Quality wasn’t good at all but I didn’t know anything about
the music production side of things. I was living life in
the fast lane, got into a car accident and got my DUI in
which my car was totaled; I was lucky to be alive
and walking thankfully.

After that incident I decided to evaluate my life. I decided
to go and get my GED and go to school for music production
since I loved music so much. In the midst of all this
as well I had a son on the way to be born.

2) How was your life growing up?

I was hard headed growing up and a troublemaker. My parents
divorced before I was born which had a major impact on my life.

I was born and raised in Portland, Oregon. When I was 12 years old
I moved from Portland, Oregon to San Jose, California. While in
California I was having problems and my mom sent me to go live
with my dad in Portland, Oregon.

At the age of 14 years old my life changed for the worse. I got
more reckless and created chaos for myself and the people around
me. I'm not proud of my past but I know that’s what molded me to
be the man that I am today for not only myself
but also for my family.

3) Did you always wanna become a producer?

No I started out just rapping and freestyling actually.
I came to the conclusion later on in my life that I
couldn’t rap haha and my friends would say the same
thing. I then said why don't I just start making beats.

This way I can still be apart of the industry I love
which is the music industry. I started taking my music
producing career seriously in 2011.

4) Which producers inspired you to become a producer?

Dr.Dre, Timberland, Syko, The Mechanix, Jim Jonsin, and many others just to name a few.

5) Give us 5 tips you’d give other upcoming producers?

1. Stay focused don’t get distracted.
2. Study the music business.
3. Read before signing anything. If you need to let a lawyer look over it.
4. Never give up, stay grinding, and always keep studying.
5. Learn to communicate, be patient, and be understanding with others.

6) What made you start your own clothing brand and what is it called?

Covid affected my ability to work and take care of my family.
I figured why not start selling clothes. This way I could branch
out my A-Laced Productionz brand in different other avenues.
To help bring in some extra income plus with clothes it's a
promotion that keeps on going all year round.

A-Laced Productionz is the name and it's available on my
personal site. I also started several others like King Ap,
Queen AP Apparel, and I also partnered along with my
friend shout out John with his own clothing brand
Mo Chedda Records which is also a record label
which he owns. You can find all these on my site

6) Are you a gamer? If yes which do you prefer PlayStation or Xbox?
Give your gamer tag if you wish as well.

Yes and Xbox my gamer tag is apkilla211.

7) Are you working with any artists right now?

I'm working on a few projects right now with
Too Deep, Dub Twenty Inches, Strap from Mansion
of Mayhem, and many others to be announced soon.

8) What can we expect to see or hear from A-Laced Productionz in 2021?

I'm gonna be releasing new music, clothing, and much
more. I'm building a empire with my management JamMarMoguls!

9) Are there any artist's you’d like to work with that you haven’t worked with yet?

I am willing to work any and all serious artist's that wanna
collaborate with me and grow with me. I just LOVE creating music.

10) Do you have any tips for upcoming artist's for when they contact you?

1. Have a budget for what you are trying to accomplish.
2. Know the music business.
3. Always be humble, honest, and not cocky.
4. Be professional, don't just send me random links or messages.
5. Learn to communicate, be patient, and be understanding with others.

11) If artists wanna work with you. How can they get in contact with you or your management?

For Serious inquiries & Booking Contact my management
Jamaica Johnson at email: Jammarmoguls@gmail.com

Website: https://www.jammarmoguls.com/

12) Where can the readers connect with you on social media?




Tik Tok:




13) If you had one message to tell your supporters, what would it be?

Never give up stay grinding!

14) What type of vibes do you set to make a good beat?

I don’t set a vibe I just create. I start by playing
a few chords and then build from there.

15) Do you wanna give any shout outs?

Special shout out to my family, fans/supporters, and
my management and team of moguls at JamMarMoguls.
Shout out to my family the Mo Chedda Records Camp,
Dub Twenty Inches, Too Deep, and of course gotta give
a shout out to Dillon Cash for helping bring my vision to
reality with my site and many other ideas I had.

Never give up stay grinding! That's the motto I live by everyday!

Aaron Peil - A-Laced Productionz Has Been Featured On:




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