Exclusive Interview: Anthony Berson, Music Marketing Expert, CEO of Trillest Entertainment

1.) Who are you and where are you from?

My name is Anthony Berson, CEO of Trillest Entertainment. I was born on the west coast, grew up on the east coast, and currently live in Los Angeles.

2.) When did you realize you were going to market music professionally? 

At a young age, I'm simply fulfilling a need and helping talented artists get there music heard globally. We are the plug of the plug.

3.) Who, to you, is the most undervalued music artist?

There's several but definitely up there is Kevin Gates, he's been through a lot but still continues to persevere and is now a multi-million dollar recording artist that started from scratch and still hasn't switched up like most artists these days.

4.) Tell us about your company, what services do you offer?

We help artists get there music heard globally as well as get them local and national shows. We have plugs with 100+ hip hop magazines, blogs, and websites. Nobody can compete with our prices or turnaround time.

5.) Tell us about you and how you started Trillest Ent.

I'm a 23 year old college student about to graduate with a BA in Sociology. I didn't learn anything in college that directly helped or inspired me start this company. However, I did learn a lot about people and how society works, knowledge is power. If you're not learning something new everyday, you're wasting your life. Equally important is if you're not sharing your knowledge with others, you're of no benefit to society.

I started Trillest Entertainment in 2014 as an online music marketing company with an emphasis on hip hop, rap, and r&b. The internet has made it possible to reach people all around the world, likewise, it's allowed us to get artists' music heard globally.

I started this company mainly because my two passions are hip hop and marketing, so I can say I'm making a living doing something I enjoy, rather than being told what to do and working for someone else, making them richer. I don't know how people can spend there who life working for someone else instead of being there own boss.

6.) What has been your biggest highlight thus far?

Each year, we've grown our number of clients and revenue significantly, which is the result of determination and hard work.

We've worked with 1000's of hip hop artists all around the world and continue to make daily growth. We offer every type of service an artist could potentially need to launch there music career or go viral, from mixing/mastering, instrumentals, recording studios plugs, record label and booking agent connects, booking shows and tours, creating custom press kits, graphic design, and most essentially, music promo in the form of exclusive global hip hop media outlet features and interviews.

7.) What advice would you give to other entrepreneurs?

What I learned is you can't give someone a work ethic or teach someone how to be successful, nobody taught me anything, I learned myself because I sought to educate myself. Like I said, knowledge is power, your greatest teacher is yourself. You have to be open minded and actively seek new knowledge daily. The internet has made pretty much everything available online for free. You have no excuse for being broke, uneducated, and uninformed unless you chose to be lazy. Life will only give you what you settle for. If you want more, do more. You can find a way if you want it bad enough, if you don't, you'll find an excuse. This is a very cutthroat, competitive world, you have to out work everybody if you want to make it to the top.

8.) Success to you is...

Paying your bills by doing something you're passionate about. Always keep God 1st, Health 2nd, Family 3rd, and Money 4th. If you don't keep God 1st he'll take away the things you put before him.

9.) How can artists contact you if they need promotion?

You can visit our website TrillestEntertainment.com, email us at: TrillestEnt@gmail.com or follow us on Twitter @TrillestEnt

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